We appreciate you are deciding to send your paper to us. Following these guidelines will ensure we have everything we need for your manuscript's seamless peer review and publication process. Please take the time to read them and adhere to them as strictly as possible to ensure that your manuscript complies with the journal's requirements.
When submitted to the IJPHE, the articles must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Your research paper should be organised as follows: Title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, review of related literature, methods, results/findings, discussion, and conclusion; acknowledgements; declaration of interest; references; appendices (if necessary); tables and figures with captions.
Abstract should be concise no longer than A 4 page or 200 to 300 words.
Purpose: In the one or two sentences at the top, you need to include the purpose of your paper
Background/Context: Background or context of the research should be explained in a few sentences.
Literature Review: Include relevant literature and link to research problems, 2-3 sentences
Methods: The methodology of your research is critical. You need to justify the methods used in the study, sample size and how you collected the primary data. Qualitative methods or quantitative methods used in the study should be explained in 2-3 sentences.
Results/Findings: In one or two sentences, summarise the findings/results of your paper and the conclusive outcome.
Conclusion: Briefly the ultimate conclusion and its ramifications.in 1-2 sentences.
Keywords: Like hash tags for research papers, Minimum 2 or 3 and maximum 5 or 6
Article title: Should be concise and not more than 15 words
Microsoft Word: The article file should be provided in Microsoft Word format
Headings: Two or three levels of headings preferred.
Running Text: Text font size for paragraphs should be 12
Font Style: Prefer PT Serif
Spacing: 1.5
Length: Articles should be between 4000 and 10,000 words in length. This includes all text, for example, the structured abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices.
References: Harvard Referencing Style or American Psychology Association( APA)
Authors: Maximum number of authors should be five. The names of all contributing authors should be added to the submission; please list them in an order to be exactly published. Each contributing author will need to include the following details:
The IJPHE's editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and uses this information to arrive at the following decisions.
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