Fayyaz has more than 20 years of experience in UK Higher Education. He is currently working as a Director of Research at Oxford Business College and also a doctoral supervisor. Before this, he held the positions of Principal, Vice Principal, Director of Studies, Head of Business Department, MBA Dissertation Supervisor, Seni
Fayyaz has more than 20 years of experience in UK Higher Education. He is currently working as a Director of Research at Oxford Business College and also a doctoral supervisor. Before this, he held the positions of Principal, Vice Principal, Director of Studies, Head of Business Department, MBA Dissertation Supervisor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer in Business Management in the Higher Education Institutions in the UK.
He worked as Secretary of Information and Finance for Amnesty International Islamabad Pakistan, Editor-in-Chief for Luton Business and Computing College Magazine, and Managing Editor of OxConnect (Quarterly Magazine) of Oxford Business College. He also worked as a Business and Higher Educational Consultant.
He also won several awards, for example the best employer of the Amnesty International Pakistan, Distinguished Scholar Award from the European Journal of Scientific Research, the best employee of the year Amnesty International Pakistan.
Postgraduate Research (Doctoral) Supervisor – University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).
He is currently supervising the following doctoral projects.
Recent Research Publications (2020 onward)
1. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., Zia, T. (2020) Mature Undergraduate Students' Satisfaction with Online Teaching during Covid-19, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 7, No 12
2. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., Zia, T. (2021) Conceptualisation of Student Satisfaction In The Context Of UK Higher Education, International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) Volume 6 Issue, P.P. 60-81
3. Sestanovic, A., Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2021) The Economic Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Ethnic Minorities – The Case Of London, United Kingdom, , European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 5, No 3.
4. Šola, H., M., Qureshi, F. H., Khawaja, S. (2021) Enhancing the Motivation and Learning Performance in an Online Classroom with the Use of Neuromarketing, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 7, No 1
5. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2021) The Growth Of Private Higher Education: An Overview In The Context Of Liberalisation, Privatisation And Marketisation, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 9
6. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2021) Is Covid-19 Transitioning Cash Cow International Students into Cats? European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 7
7. Sokić, K., Qureshi, F., H, Khawaja, S. (2021), Predicting Academic Procrastination and Academic Achievement in Private Higher Education With the HEXACO Model of Personality and Psychological Distress, International Research in Higher Education, Vol, 6, No 4
8. Sestanovic, A., Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., (2021) Academic Endowments in the United Kingdom – Do They Make a Difference? International Research in Higher Education, International Research in Higher Education, Vol, 6, No 4.
9. Šola, H., M., Qureshi, F. H., Khawaja, S. (2021) Applied Management Post-Covid19: Implications for Academic Managers In Private Higher Education, Beyond Crises, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 10.
10. Sokić, K., Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2021) Gender Differences In Creativity Among Students In Private Higher Education, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 11
11. Sokić, K., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H. (2021) The Dark Triad And Perceptions Of Organisational Justice Among Teaching Staff In Private Higher Education, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 12
12. Sokić, K., Qureshi, F., H, Khawaja, S. (2021), Aggression, Empathy, And Life Satisfaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic Among Students In Private Higher Education, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 12
13. Sokić, K., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H. (2021) The Role of Impulsivity In Predicting The Subjective Well-Being Of Students In Private Higher Education, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 8, No 12
14. Šola, H., M., Steidl, P., Mikac, M., Qureshi, F. H., Khawaja, S. (2021) How Neuroscience-Based Research Methodologies Can Deliver New Insights to Marketers? International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, Vol, 4, No 10
15. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., Javed, R. (2022) Infodemic and Student Satisfaction With COVID-19 Related Information On The College Website, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 1,
16. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., Zia, T., Javed, R. (2022) Online Education and Students’ Wellbeing During Covid-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 1,
17. Khawaja, S., Sokić, K., Javed, R. Qureshi, F., H. (2022) Extraversion and Introversion Personality Type of Mature Students in Private Higher Education, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 1,
18. Zia, T., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H. (2022), Student Satisfaction with Admission and Induction in the UK Private Higher Education Sector, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 1,
19. Khawaja, S. Sokić, K., Qureshi, F., H. (2022), The Importance of Social And Emotional Competencies For Effective Academic Leadership In Private Higher Education Institutions, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 1,
20. Qureshi, F., H. Qureshi, S., H., Zia, T., Khwaja, F. (2022) Huntington's Disease (HD): A Brief Review, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 5, No 1.
21. Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F.,H, Sokić, K. (2022), Role of Emotional Intelligence and Coping in Dealing with Disinhibition and Aggression among Undergraduates in Private Higher Education, World Journal of Educational Research, Vol 9, No 2
22. Javed, R. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2022) Academic Intrinsic Motivation And Learning Engagement In Mature Students In Private Higher Education Institutions In The South Of England, European Journal of Education Studies, Vol, 9, No.2
23. Zia, T., Javed, R., Khawaja, S, Qureshi, F., H. (2022), Social Media Advertising Persuasion on Mature Students’ Buying Behaviour: A Neural Network Validation Approach, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 2.
24. Jajic, I., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H., Bach M., P. (2022), Augmented Reality in Business and Economics: Bibliometric and Topics Analysis. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 20(6), 723-744.
25. Šola, H., M., Qureshi, F. H., Khawaja, S. (2022) The Effect of Facebook Page Design on Emotion Change and Behavioral Engagement: Neuromarketing Research in Higher Education, COJ Robotics & Artificial Intelligence 2(4):11
26. Khawaja, S., Zia, T., Qureshi, F., H. (2023), Measuring Student Satisfaction Using Decision Tree Algorithm in Private Higher Education England, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 2.
27. Zia, T., Qureshi, F., H., Kayode, A., M. (2023), Mature Students’ Choice to Study a Foundation Year at Private Higher Education Institutions UK, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 2.
28. Šola, H., M., Qureshi, F. H., Khawaja, S. (2023) Eye-tracking Analysis: College Website Visual Impact on Emotional Responses Reflected on Subconscious Preferences, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 14 Issue 1,
29. Khawaja, S., Zia, T., Sokić, K., Qureshi, F., H. (2023) The impact of emotions on consumer behaviour: Exploring gender differences, Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research Vol 88.
30. Qureshi, F., H. (2023) Canadian Private Higher Education at a Glance, International Journal of Private Higher Education, Vol, 1, Issue 3.
31. Sestanovic, A., Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2023) Ranking, Income Diversification, and Income Size –Are They Related? Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 34(3), 60-72.
32. Žmuk, B., Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S. (2023) Inequality In E-Learning In European Union Countries: Role Of Gender, Education And Urban Development, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 21(5), 441-457
33. Khawaja, S., Anjos, E. and Qureshi, F. (2023) The Impact of the Pandemic (COVID-19) on Higher Education Students: Challenges, Adaptations, and Future Perspectives. Creative Education, 14, 2207-2227.
34. Sarwar Khawaja, S., Javed, R., Qureshi, F., H. (2023). Employees Digital Experience and Mental Health During Covid-19 in Higher Education in the UK: Understanding the Aftermath. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 4471–4479.
35. Šola, H. M., Qureshi, F. H., & Khawaja, S. (2024). Exploring the Untapped Potential of Neuromarketing in Online Learning: Implications and Challenges for the Higher Education Sector in Europe. Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 14(2), 80
36. Murko, D., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H. (2024) An Examination of Work Conditions and Well-Being of Slovene Train Drivers, Organizacija, Vol. 57 Issue 1
37. Sokić, K., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., H. (2024), Hexaco Model Of Personality, Counterproductive Academic Behaviour And Hedonism Of Students In Private Higher Education, The International Journal of Organizational Studies, Volume: 19 Issue-01
38. Qureshi, F., H., Khawaja, S., Azeez, A., P (2024) Re-visiting the Life of Migrant Healthcare Professionals: A Study of Liverpool and London, Migration Letters: Vol. 21 No. 5.
39. Qureshi, F., Khawaja, S.; Pejić Bach, M.; Meško, M. (2024) Slovenian Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World: Trends and Transformations. Systems, 12, 132
40. Hunady, J., Pisar, P., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F. (2024). The Digital Transformation of European Union Countries before and during COVID-19, Business Systems Research Vol. 15 No. 1.
41. Bach, M, Mihajlović I., Stanković, M., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F. (2024) Determinants of Intention to Use of Hospital Information Systems among Healthcare Professionals. Systems. 12(7):235.
42. Khawaja, S., Javed, R., Qureshi, F. (2024), Development and validation of career decision making proficiency scale. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 14(3), 317–330.
43. Qureshi, F., Khawaja, S., Sokić, K., Pejić Bach, M., & Meško, M. (2024). Fostering Intrinsic Motivation and Mental Well-being in Today’s Systems. Preprints.
44. Taha, A., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., & Wahsheh, F. (2024) Exploring the relationship between supply chain collaboration, risk management strategies, and supplier development on supply chain resilience: The mediating role of trust, Journal of Project Management Volume 9, Issue 3.
45. Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024) Predicting Behaviour Patterns in Online and PDF Magazines with AI Eye-Tracking. Behavioral Sciences 14(8):677.
46. Qureshi F, Khawaja S, Sokić K, Pejić Bach M, Meško M. (2024) Exploring Intrinsic Motivation and Mental Well-Being in Private Higher Educational Systems: A Cross-Sectional Study. Systems.12(8):281.
47. Taha, A., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F., & Wahsheh, F. (2024) Evaluating the impact of project procurement strategies on supply chain efficiency: The role of vendor relationship management as a mediator variable, Journal of Uncertain Supply Chain Management Volume 13, Issue 1.
48. Pejić Bach M, Suša Vugec D, Khawaja S, Qureshi FH, Fildor D. (2024). Systemic View of the Role of Higher Educational Institutions in the Great Reset. Systems.12(9):323.
49. Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024) AI Eye-Tracking Technology: A New Era in Managing Cognitive Loads for Online Learners. Education Sciences.14(9):933.
50. Šola, H. M., Qureshi, F. H., & Khawaja, S. (2024). AI-Powered Eye Tracking for Bias Detection in Online Course Reviews: A Udemy Case Study. Big data and cognitive computing, 8(11), 144.
51. Pejić Bach, M., Kamenjarska, T., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F. H., & Roblek, V. (2024). Conceptual Metaphors in Linguistics and Information Science and Their Role in the Great Reset. In Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium (pp. 53-74). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
52. Qureshi, F. H., Sokic, K., & Khawaja, S. (2024). Impulsive Buying Tendencies and Personality: Cognitive and Affective Aspects.
53. Galic, J. O., Pejic-Bach, M., Khawaja, S., Qureshi, F. H., & Dwivedi, P. (2025). Adoption and Use of Public Hospital Information Systems in Croatia Based on PLS-SEM Analysis. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 17(1), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJESMA.365287
Peer Reviewer
Founder Member
Luton Business and Computing College (LBCC)
Ethames Graduate School (ETGS)
British School of Management Sciences (BSMS)
Britain College (BC)
Bedfordian Business School (BBS)
Oxford Centre of Applied Research and Entrepreneurship (OxCARE)
Oxford Business Research And Innovation Network (OxBRAIN)
Oxford Staff Centre of Professional Excellence (OxSCOPE)
Oxford Business Innovation and Incubation Centre (OxBIIC)
Achievements and Awars
Independent Higher Education (IHE) Winner of the Rising Star Award of Year 2023
Award of Distinguished Scholar from the independent ad hoc Scientific Award Committee and the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Scientific Research (2021)
Award: Best worker of the year 1999 by Amnesty International
Senior Editor
Mirjana Pejić Bach is a full professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She holds a PhD in system dynamics modelling and was trained at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Her research areas are data science and simulation modelling. Mirjana is the editor of several scientific journals indexe
Senior Editor
Mirjana Pejić Bach is a full professor at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She holds a PhD in system dynamics modelling and was trained at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Her research areas are data science and simulation modelling. Mirjana is the editor of several scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and WoS and has given plenary lectures at congresses, such as IEEE Systems. She has won Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence. She was among the 2% of the most-cited scientists in the world in 2020, according to the analysis of the Scopus scientific database, with the largest number of citations from the field of Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing, among 1.35% of scientists with the greatest impact of citations. The main goal of her work is to support aspiring researchers through mentoring doctoral theses and the development of their scientific careers.
Senior Editor
Dr Adrian Page is a retired Associate Dean at London Met University. After his retirement he worked at Bedordian Business School as a Head of Quality Assurance and Chair of Quality Assurance Committee. He was the key figure in getting the status of the University of Luton from the Polytechnic college. He has wealth of experience .
Senior Editor
A full professor in Economics Education and an NRF C2-rated researcher at the College of Education, University of South Africa (UNISA). He is a qualified professional teacher and esteemed researcher, has published articles in highly impacted journals, supervised doctoral and master’s degree students, read conference papers,
Senior Editor
A full professor in Economics Education and an NRF C2-rated researcher at the College of Education, University of South Africa (UNISA). He is a qualified professional teacher and esteemed researcher, has published articles in highly impacted journals, supervised doctoral and master’s degree students, read conference papers, was a keynote speaker, published conference proceedings, edited academic books and awarded external grants. He is a flipped learning expert in ODeL research. 2013, the Chancellor Award for Excellence in Research (UNISA) was awarded for his novel contributions to economics education and teacher education. Furthermore, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2018) was awarded for his groundbreaking research on the e-portfolio as an alternative assessment approach in teacher education. One of his articles entitled, Students’ Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom Pedagogy in an Open Distance e-Learning University (2020), was published in Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal (SCOPUS) and voted as the best scholarly publication by the journal vetting panel. Prof van Wyk received the International Award for Excellence for Research (2020) from the Common Ground Research Network, University of Chicago, USA. I was awarded the UNISA Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research (2023) for the second time. Serving on international journal editorial boards and vetting panels. The Medal of Honor in Education (2023) was awarded for his contribution to teacher education by the Education Association of South Africa. Currently an Associate Editor for Heliyon: Education. (Scopus, Quintile 2 journal). His research interests are digital technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital game-based learning, flipped pedagogy, e-Portfolios, authentic assessment and Economics Education.
van Wyk M.M. (2021) South African Multigrade Teachers’ Implementation of Cooperative Learning Strategies. In: Cornish L., Taole M.J. (eds) Perspectives on Multigrade Teaching. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84803-3_5
van Wyk, MM. (2021). Narrating Deputy Principals and Heads of Departments' Experiences of Assessment Practices in Curriculum Delivery. In Ailwei S Mawela, Micheal M van Wyk, Lazarus Lebeloane, & Awelani Mudau (Eds.), Investigating the Roles of School Management Teams in Curriculum Delivery (pp. 78-94). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7168-2.ch006
van Wyk, MM. (2021). Flipped Class Pedagogy as a Digital Pedagogical Strategy in an Open Distance E-Learning Environment. In Information Management Association (Eds.), Research Anthology on Developing Effective Online Learning Courses (pp. 496-515). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8047-9.ch026
Meintjes, H. H., & van Wyk, M. M. (2020). Facebook Page as a Digital Pedagogical Tool in the Business Studies Class. In Matthew Montebello, (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Learning (pp. 57-74). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9304-1.ch004
Van Wyk, MM., & Mudau, P. K. (2019). The Use of Pedagogical Support Strategies in an Online Teacher Education Course. In Micheal M van Wyk (Ed.). Student Support Toward Self-Directed Learning in Open and Distributed Environments (pp. 192-215). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9316-4.ch009
Van Wyk MM (2019). (Editor) Student Support Toward Self-Directed Learning in Open and Distributed Environments. IGI Global Publishers doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9316-4
Van Wyk, MM. (2019). Blogging as a Supportive E-Pedagogical Strategy in the Teaching Methodology of Economics. In Micheal M van Wyk (Ed.), Student Support Toward Self-Directed Learning in Open and Distributed Environments (pp. 149-168). IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9316-4.ch007
Van Wyk MM. (2018). Flipped class pedagogy as a digital pedagogical strategy in an Open Distance eLearning environment. In Lazarus N Makwea (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Technology-Supported Teaching and Research Methods for Educators (pp.34-56) IGI Global
Van Wyk, MM. (2018). Flipping the class for students to learn to teach economics. In Digital technologies and instructional design for personalized learning (pp. 287-306). IGI Global.
Van Wyk MM. (2018). [Re]framing an integrated Multicultural Education process for a decolonized curriculum, In LDN Tlale & T Makhalele (eds.) Integrating Multicultural Education Into The Curriculum For Decolonisation: Benefits And Challenges Nova Science Publsihers, New York, pp.1-16
Van Wyk MM. (2018). Flipping the Class for Students to Learn to Teach Economics. In Robert Zheng, Digital Technologies and Instructional Design for Personalized Learning, IGI Global Publishers, pp.287308. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3940-7.ch014
van Breda M & Van Wyk MM (2018). Electronic -Portfolio Approach to Enhance Self-Directed Learning. In Emmanuel Jean-Francois (Ed.), Transnational perspectives on innovation in teaching and learning technologies (pp.45-66). Boston, MA: Brill-Sense. ISBN: 9789004366053
Zhang, Z & van Wyk, MM. (2016) Professional ethics and roles of the teacher. In, CIO Okeke, CC Wolhuter, EO Adu, MM van Wyk, JA Abongdia Learn to teach: A handbook for teacher education. ISBN: 9780190411794 E-pub ISBN: 9780190412869
Van Wyk, MM; Galloway, G; & Okeke, CIO (2016) Basic skills in classroom discipline and control (Chapter 8). Editors: Prof CIO Okeke [UFH], Prof CC Wolhuter [NWU], Prof EO Adu [UFH], Prof MM van Wyk [UNISA], Dr JA Abongdia [UFH] Learn to teach: A handbook for teacher education. ISBN: 9780190411794 E-pub ISBN: 9780190412869
Van Wyk, MM.& Ndamba GT. (2016) Portfolios and e-portfolios in teaching practice. (Chapter 18) Editors Prof CIO Okeke [UFH], Prof CC Wolhuter [NWU], Prof EO Adu [UFH], Prof MM van Wyk [UNISA], Dr JA Abongdia [UFH] Learn to teach: A handbook for teacher education. ISBN: 9780190411794 E-pub ISBN: 9780190412869
Van Wyk MM.& Steyn H (2016) Electronic learning aids and social media in teaching (Chapter 19). Editors: Prof CIO Okeke [UFH], Prof CC Wolhuter [NWU], Prof EO Adu [UFH], Prof MM van Wyk [UNISA], Dr JA Abongdia [UFH] Learn to teach: A handbook for teacher education. ISBN: 9780190411794 E-pub ISBN: 9780190412869
Van Wyk, MM (2015) Teaching Economics. In James D. Wright (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Elsevier Publishers. ISSN
Johnson L, van Wyk MM. (2015) Approaches to teaching EMS: The teacher-centred approach and the learner-centred approach(Chapter 3). Editors: MM van Wyk, UNISA; Dr K Dos Reis, PCUT. Teaching EMS in the Senior Phase. ISBN: 9780190407346; 9780199076819 (epub)
Van Wyk, MM. & Tshelane. M. (2015) Using ICT in the classroom (Chapter 7). Editors: Prof Micheal van Wyk, UNISA; Dr K Dos Reis, PCUT. Teaching EMS in the Senior Phase. ISBN: 9780190407346; 9780199076819 (epub)
Van Wyk, MM. (2015) Afrocentricity Research Methodology. In CIO Okeke & MM van Wyk (Eds). Educational research: An African approach. (Chapter 1 / pp #). Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190409135, e-pub: 9780199047871.
Van Wyk, MM & Taole JM. (2015) Research Designs. In CIO Okeke & MM van Wyk (Eds). Educational research: An African approach. (Chapter 10 /pp #). Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190409135, e-pub: 9780199047871.
Van Wyk, MM. (2015) Writing for publication. In CIO Okeke & MM van Wyk (Eds). Educational research: An African approach. (Chapter 30 /pp #). Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190409135, e-pub: 9780199047871.
Van Wyk MM. (2014) Integration of Information and Communication Technology into teaching practice. In MJ Taole (Editor), Teaching Practice, Perspectives and Frameworks (June, 2014). Cape Town: Van Schaik Publishers. ISBN: 9780627 03118 2. pp. 75-92
Taole MJ & Van Wyk MM. (2014) Reflective practice in teacher education. In MJ Taole (Editor), Teaching Practice, Perspectives and Frameworks (June, 2014). Cape Town: Van Schaik Publishers. ISBN: 978062703118 2. pp. 183-197
Van Wyk MM. (2014) Towards an Afrocentric – Indigenous Pedagogy. CJ Okeke, MM van Wyk and NJ Phasha, Schooling, society and inclusive Education: An African perspective (May). Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199077809.
Van Wyk MM. (2012) Drivers for Mentoring Diversity in Teacher education. In Georgianna Duarte & Emma Miller (Eds.): Mentoring Diverse Populations ISBN-13: 978-1-60797-381-2.
Van Wyk, MM. (2011) Creating Powerful and Sustainable Learning Environments: Theory into Practice. First Edition. ISBN 978-3-8443-9904-2. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. Published date: 2011/05/16
Van Wyk, MM. (2010) Rethinking the value of simulated games in Economics education: An experimental teaching strategy. In Sechaba Mahlomaholo, Milton Nkoane & Dennis Francis (Eds). Praxis towards sustainable empowering learning environments in South Africa,(101-122) First edition ISBN 978-1-920383-07-7. SUN PRESS: Bloemfontein
Alexander G, van Wyk MM, Jaftha CD and Nkoane MM. (2010) The University of the Free State community service intervention on grade 12 science, mathematics and accounting: scholarship for teaching and learning. 289-307. In Sechaba Mahlomaholo, Milton Nkoane & Dennis Francis (Eds). Praxis towards sustainable empowering learning environments in South Africa, (289-307) First edition. ISBN 978-1-920383-07-7. SUN PRESS: Bloemfontein
VAN Wyk MM. (2009). Cooperative learning as a teaching strategy for the classroom: A practical guide for economics teachers. ISBN: 978-3-639-20735-4: VDM Publishing–House.com Published date: 2009/10/05
Alexander.G, van Wyk. MM and Japtha, PD. (2009). Exploring Community Engagement: A Higher Education Initiative, with the project number 29824, and ISBN 978-3-639-22076-6, VDM Publishing– House.com Published date: 2009/12/05
van Wyk, MM., Kotze, C. J., Tshabalala, S. L., & Mukhati, F. (2021). The responsiveness of teacher education managers at an ODeL college to resilience and the well-being of staff working from home during COVID-19. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(4), 623-635. https://doi.org/10.12973/ijem.7.4.623
Amponsah, S., van Wyk, MM., & Kolugu, M. K. (2021). Academic Experiences of “Zoom-Fatigue” as a Virtual Streaming Phenomenon During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 17(6), 1-16. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJWLTT.287555
van Wyk, MM. (2021), "Academic support under COVID-19 lockdown: what students think of online support e-tools in an ODeL course", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 137-157. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITSE-08-2020-0121
van Wyk, MM. (2021). A Flipped Instructional Design as an Online Pedagogy Enabling Student Learning in an ODeL Course. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), 16(6), 1-17. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJWLTT.20211101.oa14
Mudau, PK & Van Wyk MM. (2021). "Academic Support of ODL Students through e-Portfolio Assessment." The International Journal of Technologies in Learning 28 (1): 59-73. http://doi:10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v28i01/59-73 ISSN: 2327-0144 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2686 (Online)
Hagos, G & Van Wyk MM. (2021). "Parental Involvement in Children’s Academic Achievements: A Case of Ethiopian Schooling." The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership 28 (1): 123-140. http://doi:10.18848/2329-1656/CGP/v28i01/123-140 ISSN: 2329-1656 (Print) ISSN: 2329-1591 (Online)
Koopman, O, Van Wyk, MM & Koopman, K.J. (2020). "Science Teachers’ Views and Applications of Technology-Based Teaching" Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 13 (3): 25-42. http://doi:10.18848/1835-9795/CGP/v13i03/25-42
van Wyk, MM. (2020). Student Teachers' Lived Experiences of an ODeL Flipped Instructional Design. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 10(4), 14-31. http://doi:10.4018/IJOPCD.2020100102
Van Wyk, MM. (2020). "Students’ Experiences of a Flipped Instructional Design at an Open Distance e-Learning University." The International Journal of Technologies in Learning 27 (2): 1-20. http://doi:10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v27i02/1-20 ISSN: 2327-0144 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2686 (Online)
van Wyk, MM. (2020). E-Pedagogical Support Strategies to Teaching Methodology of Economics Students at an Open Distance Learning University. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), 10(3), 1-18. http://doi:10.4018/IJOPCD.2020070101
Amponsah, S., & van Wyk, MM. (2020). STAD Cooperative Pedagogy in Teaching English First Additional Language in KwaZulu-Natal Secondary Schools. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development, 3(2), 47-64. http://doi:10.4018/IJTEPD.2020070104
Van Wyk MM. (2019). "Students’ Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom Pedagogy in an Open Distance e-Learning University." Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 12 (4): 1-13. doi:10.18848/1835-9795/CGP/v12i04/1-13
Van Wyk MM. (2019). Pedagogical strategies to support economics students’ learning at an open distance learning university. Journal of Education, 76(1):23-46 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2520-9868/i76a02
Van Wyk MM. (2019). "Teachers’ Voices Matter: Is Cooperative Learning an Appropriate Pedagogy for Multigrade Classes?" The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum 26 (2): 19-34. http://doi:10.18848/2327-7963/CGP/v26i02/19-34
Van Wyk, MM. (2018). “How I Got out of the Gutters”: The Lived Experiences of Ex-prisoners who Became Social Change Activists." The International Journal of Diverse Identities 18 (2): 1-14. doi:10.18848/2327-7866/CGP/v18i02/1-14
Van Wyk, MM. (2018). "e-Portfolio as an Empowering Tool in the Teaching Methodology of Economics at an Open Distance e-Learning University." Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 11 (3): 35-50. doi:10.18848/1835-9795/CGP/v11i03/35-50
Van Wyk MM. (2018). Flipping the Economics Class in a Teacher Education Course. Technology, Knowledge and Learning pp 1-27 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-018-9377-9
Van Wyk MM. (2018). "Economics student teachers’ views on the usefulness of a flipped classroom pedagogical approach for an open distance eLearning environment", The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, Vol. 35 Issue: 4, pp.255265,https://doi.org/10.1108/IJILT-07-2017-0068 ISSN: 2327-0144 (Print); ISSN: 2327-2686 (Online)
Van Wyk MM. (2018). Blog Phenomenology: Student Teachers’ Views of Learning to Teach Economics International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies Vol. 13 • Issue 2; pp 62-77, DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.2018040105
Ndamba GT & van Wyk MM. (2018) State barricades: Educators’ inside story on mother-tongue education in a postcolonial Zimbabwean context, South African Journal of African Languages, Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp.51-59, DOI: 10.1080/02572117.2018.1429870
Havenga M & van Wyk, MM. (2017). Cooperative elements in joint projects to enhance first-year engineering students’ self-directed learning: a case of a South African university World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education Volume.15, No.4, 23-39
Havenga M & van Wyk, MM. (2017). A conceptualised design-based research framework for a problem-based learning approach in a first-year engineering course. Global Journal of Engineering Education Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 200-206
Van Wyk, MM. (2017). Stokvels as a Community-based Saving Club Aimed at Eradicating Poverty: A Case of South African Rural Women. The International Journal of Community Diversity. 17(2): 13-26. ISSN: 2327-0004; ISSN: 2327-2147 http://doi.org/10.18848/23270004/CGP/v17i02/13-26
Van Wyk, MM. (2017). Exploring Student Teachers’ Views on ePortfolios as an Empowering Tool to Enhance Self-Directed Learning in an Online Teacher Education Course. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(6). http://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol42/iss6/1
Van Wyk, MM., (2017), An e-portfolio as empowering tool to enhance students' self-directed learning in a teacher education course: A case of a South African university South African Journal of Higher Education, 31(3) 268‒285, DIO: 10.208535/31-834
Van Wyk, MM., (2017), ‘Exploring the role of the church as a “reformation agency” in enhancing a socially transformative agenda in South Africa’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73(3), a4356. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v73i3.4356
Ndamba, G. T. , Sithole, J. C. , van Wyk, MM. (2017). Competing Purposes: Mother Tongue Education Benefits Versus Economic Interests in Rural Zimbabwe. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(1) . Retrieved from: http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/iipj/vol8/iss1/1 DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2017.8.1.1
Van Wyk, MM. (2016) Using An Attitude Toward Economics Education Scale To Explore Teachers’ Attitudes Toward The Subject In Free State Secondary Schools. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 17(2) 266-277
Van Wyk, MM. (2016) Enabling Environments to Advance Economics Education: A Factorial Design Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 17(2) 247-265
Van Wyk, MM. (2015) Measuring the Effectiveness of Student Teams Achievement Divisions as a Teaching Strategy on Grade 10 Learners’ Economic Knowledge International Journal of Educational Studies 10(2): 325-337
Van Wyk, MM (2015) Using the Jigsaw Teaching Strategy for the Advance of Economics Teachers’ Acquisition of Knowledge International Journal of Educational Studies 10(2): 338-346
Van Wyk, MM. (2015) Teaching Economics. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 24. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 83–88.
Van Wyk MM. (2014) Blogs as an E Learning Strategy in Supporting Economics Education Students during Teaching Practice. Journal of Communication, 5(2): 135-143 ISSN 0976-691X
Van Wyk MM. (2014) The Nama Stap as Indigenous Identity and Cultural Knowledge. Journal of Human Ecology 48 (1): 181-188
Dewah C & van Wyk MM. (2014) The Place of Indigenous Cultural Games by Educators in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Journal of Human Ecology 48 (1): 189-197
Van Wyk, MM. (2013) Using blogs as a means of enhancing reflective Teaching Practice in open distance learning ecologies. African Education Review, Supplementary issue 10:47 –62
Van Wyk MM. (2013) [Re]vitalize Khoisan art and culture via a community outreach initiative. Studies on Tribes and Tribals, 11(2): 145-151
Van Wyk MM. (2013) Economics Education Students Learning to Teach for Diversity via a Community Engaged Project. Journal of Sociolology and Anthropology, 4(3): 219-226
Van Wyk, MM. (2012). "Narrating Student Teachers’ Life Histories in Relation to Identity, Social Class and Learning Spaces through a School-based Learning Project." The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review 11 (3): 111-122. doi:10.18848/1447-9532/CGP/v11i03/39013.
Van Wyk, MM. (2012) Teacher Efficacy: The Use of Cooperative Learning Techniques in Economics Education: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Educational Studies 4(3):187-195
Van Wyk, MM. (2012) Exploring Collective Learning Conversations in Economics education: An Autoethnographic perspective. The Anthropologist, 14(5): 433-443
Van Wyk, MM. (2012) The Effects of the STAD-Cooperative Learning Method on Student Achievement, Attitude and Motivation in Economics Education, Journal of Social Sciences, 33:2, 261270, DOI: 10.1080/09718923.2012.11893104
Alexander.G, van Wyk. MM. (2012) Exploring the value of cooperative learning in enhancing teaching in integrated school environments of the Northern Cape province. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47: 1945 – 1949
Van Wyk, MM. (2012) [Re]claiming the Riel as Khoisan Indigenous Cultural Knowledge. Studies on Tribes and Tribals, 10(1): 47-56
Van Wyk, MM. (2011) Narrating Student Teachers’ Personal Stories in Relation to Identity, Social Class and Learning through a School-based learning project. The International Journal on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, Volume 11 (2):111-122.Published by Common Ground Publishing Press, University of Illinois Research Unit, USA, ISSN: 1447-9532
Van Wyk, MM. (2011) The Effects of Teams-Games-Tournaments on Achievement, Retention, and Attitudes of Economics Education Students, Journal of Social Sciences, 26:3, 183193, DOI: 10.1080/09718923.2011.11892895
Van Wyk, MM. (2011) Student Teachers’ Personal Stories- Identity, Social Class and Learning: A Life History Approach. Loyola Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. XXV, 2:141-161
November,I; Alexander, G & van Wyk MM. (2010) Do principal-educators have the ability to transform schools?: A South African perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(5):786-795
Alexander. G, van Wyk. MM, Bereng, T & November, IP. (2010). Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) – The case for Recognition of Prior Learning sites and knowledges in South Africa’s transforming education system. Teaching and Teacher Education 26: 45–52
Van Wyk MM, Alexander G & Moreeng BB. (2010) Education as Transformation: A case of a Faculty. South African Journal for Higher Education, 24(6):1036-1051
Van Wyk. MM. (2008) Teacher use and training related to cooperative learning as a teaching strategy for economics education. Issues on Education and Research: Volume 1 Edited by Gregory T. Papanikos ISBN: 978-960-6672-43-9, 331 pages, Hardback. First published in 2009 by ATINER, pp127-149. ATINER, Athens, Greece
Van Wyk MM. Exploring the use of cooperative learning techniques in economics education. Theme of conference: Criticality, Creativity and Connections: in Pursuit of Educational Innovations. Conference Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference of Educational association of South Africa (EASA)17-20 January 2013, Mpekweni Resort, Eastern Cape, Potchefstroom: Platinum Press, pp.235248: ISBN:978-1-86822-640-5
Van Wyk MM. (2013) Blogging as an E-learning tool in teaching economics. Theme of conference: The State of play in educational research in South Africa. Conference Proceeding of the South African Education Research Association, Klein Kariba. 28-30 January 2013, Cape Town Oxford University Press. pp.284-302.
Alexander G & Van Wyk MM. (2012) Exploring the value of cooperative learning in enhancing teaching in integrated school environments of the Northern Cape province. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47: 1945 – 1949
Van Wyk, MM. (2011) Exploring Student Teachers’ Personal Stories in Relation to Identity, Social Class and Learning: A Life History Approach. Proceedings of the 2011 Eleventh International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Published by Common Ground Publishing Press, University of Illinois Research Unit, USA, ISSN:1447-9532
Van Wyk, MM. (2010). The Effects of Teams-Games-Tournaments on Achievement, Retention, and Attitudes of Economics Education Students. Proceedings of the 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference Published by Clute Institute for Academic Research, Colorado, USA. Conference Proceedings ISSN Number: 1539-8757 Conference proceedings included in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Alexander G, van Wyk, MM & November, IP. (2010) Enhancing Cultural Diversity In Integrated School Settings Of The Northern Cape Province: Cooperative Learning As Teaching Tool. Proceedings of the 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference. Published by Clute Institute for Academic Research, Colorado, USA. Conference proceedings included in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Conference Proceedings ISSN Number: 1539-8757
November, I., Alexander, G., & van Wyk, M.M. 2009. The Legitimation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as Redress Mechanism for Workspaces in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Narrative of a Black Master Builder. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009).“Achieving Educational Excellence through Student Centred Approach”. Published by INTI University-College, Laureate International Universities, Malaysia.
Alexander, G., van Wyk, M.M., Japtha, C, D., Teis, N & Le Roux, N. 2009. The Impact of a UFS-Volksblad Grade 12 Learner Intervention on the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, Physical Science and Accounting: A University Community Service Initiative. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009). “Achieving Educational Excellence through Student Centred Approach”. Published by INTI University-College, Laureate International Universities, Malaysia.
Van Wyk, MM. 2022. Economics Students Views of the Functionality of the Flipped Pedagogy” Fifteenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Apr 15, 2022 – Apr 16, 2022 at National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan, Province of China
Van Wyk, MM. Systematic Mapping of Flipped Learning in Teacher Education. Conference Theme: Universalism or Particularism: Knowledge and Power in the Process of Decolonization Revisited. Virtual Twenty-eight International Conference on Learning, Jul 07, 2021 – Jul 09, 2021 at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Van Wyk, MM. Students’ Views of e-Pedagogical Support Strategies in an Online Course. 14th Virtual International Conference on eLearning and Innovative Pedagogies, 23-24 April 2020, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Van Wyk, MM. Ubiquitous Learning Spaces: Support Strategies for An Online Discipline Based Education Course” Virtual Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning, Jul 13, 2020 – Jul 15, 2020 at Universitat de València - Facultat de Magisteri, València, Spain
Van Wyk, MM. Students’ Views of e-Pedagogical Support Strategies in an Online Course. 13th Virtual International Conference on eLearning and Innovative Pedagogies, 23-24 April 2020, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Van Wyk, MM. Teachers’ Voices Matter: Cooperative Learning Across Multigraded Classes, Reading paper at Twenty-sixth International Conference on Learning, 22-28 July 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Van Wyk, MM. “Students’ Perceptions of The Usefulness of The Flipped Classroom Pedagogy in An Open Distance E Learning University” Reading paper at the Twelfth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Hobart, Australia, 1-3 May 2019.
Van Wyk, MM. Economics students’ perceptions of the usefulness of the flipped classroom pedagogy 11th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER) 2018: Challenging Education for Future Change, 8 - 9 September 2018 at Khon Kaen University.
Van Wyk, MM. "Student Teachers Perceptions of a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy," Eleventh International conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, 2-3 March 2018.
Van Wyk MM. Economics student teachers’ views on the usefulness of a Flipped Classroom Pedagogical design for an Open Distance eLearning environment. World Education Research Association (WERA) 2018 World Congress to be held in Cape Town, South Africa on 3 August to 5 August 2018
Van Wyk MM. Teachers’ voices matters: a cooperative learning design for multigrade classes. World Education Research Association (WERA) 2018 World Congress to be held in Cape Town, South Africa on 3 August to 5 August 2018
Van Wyk MM. “The usefulness of flipping the class pedagogical design for an Open Distance eLearning environment”. 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning Through Languages. Skukuza Camp, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 23 -25 July 2018.
Van Wyk MM. "How I Got out of the Gutters: Narrating Ex-prisoners Life Stories Becoming Social Change Agents in Supporting Rural Township Communities 18th International conference on Diversity in Organizations and Nations – 6-8 June 2018, University of Texas, Texas, USA.
Van Wyk MM. ePortfolios as an Alternative Assessment Strategy for Enhancing Self-directed Learning, e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Research Network. St John’s University, Manhattan, USA, 2-3 March 2-18.
Van Wyk MM. Usefulness of an ePortfolio pedagogy toward self-directed learning: an exploratory factor analysis. 6th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences in Bangkok, Thailand, 2017 from 4-5 December 2017
Van Wyk MM. “Exploring student teachers’ views on ePortfolios as an empowering tool to enhance self-directed learning in an online teacher education course” has been accepted for oral presentation at the Teacher Education @ a Distance Conference (TE@DC-2017), Protea Marriot Ranch Hotel, Polokwane, Limpopo, 10-13 October 2017.
Van Wyk MM. An e-Portfolio as empowering tool enhance students self-directed learning in a teacher education course: a case of a South African University 37th International Society for Teacher Education Conference (ISfTE 2017), 24 – 29 April 2017, Aarhus, Denmark
Van Wyk MM. Stokvels as a community-based saving club of eradicating poverty: A case of South African rural women," 17th International conference on Diversity in Organizations and Nations – 26-28 July 2017, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
Van Wyk MM Is effective, efficient and engaging (e)-learning possible? “unpacking the affordances of technology for (e)-learning conundrum” Second International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology, 29-31 July 2017, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
Van Wyk MM Post Graduate Certificate of Education Student Teachers’ Views of Economics Games as an Interactive Classroom Technique Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2016 (EduTeach2016), 16-17 JULY ,2016, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
Van Wyk MM. Using a Community Engagement Project to Prepare Economics Education Students for Culturally Diverse Learning Environments. International conference for Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. 31 May to 3 June 2016.
Van Wyk MM Learn to teach: usefulness of e-Portfolios as an empowering tool toward self-directed learning in a teacher education course. South Africa International Conference on Educational Technologies (SAICET), 24th – 26th April 2016, Manhatten Hotel, Pretoria.
Van Wyk MM Economics student teachers’ views regarding the usefulness of an ePortfolio as a tool for professional development: a case of a South African university 36th International Society for Teacher Education Conference (ISfTE 2016) Skukuza, Mpumalanga, 23-26 July 2016
Van Wyk MM. Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy to enhance student teachers’ learning to teach Economics education in open distance learning environments. 36th International Society for Teacher Education Conference (ISfTE 2016). Skukuza, Mpumalanga, 23-26 July 2016
Van Wyk MM. Using the Jigsaw Teaching Strategy to advance Economics Teachers’ Acquisition of Knowledge. Education Association of South Africa Conference, Arabella Hotel & Spa Hermanus, Western Cape. The conference is from 17 – 20 January 2016
Van Wyk MM The effect of student team achievement division as a cooperative learning teaching strategy on grade 10 learners’ economics knowledge 13th International Conference on Social Sciencen Research (ICSSR), Bangkok (Thailand) December 18, 2015 Conference Venue Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Van Wyk MM ePortfolio as a digital story board of the student teacher’s learning journey, in charting a professional identity and constructing a teaching philosophy 13th International Conference on Social Science Research (ICSSR), Bangkok (Thailand) December 19, 2015 Conference Venue Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Van Wyk MM. Pecha Kucha titled “The use of reflective journals as an e-portfolio alternative assessment strategy: an interpretive bricolage design: 26th International Conference on distance Education, theme of conference Growing capacities for sustainable distance e-learning provision. Sun City, Rustenberg, Northwest Province, 12-16 October 2015
Van Wyk MM. Poster titled “ePortfolio as a digital story board of the student teacher’s learning journey: 26th International Conference on distance Education, theme Growing capacities for sustainable distance e-learning provision. Sun City, Rustenberg, Northwest Province, 12-16 October 2015
Ndamba GT & Van Wyk MM. Competing Purposes: Mother Tongue Education Benefits Versus Economic Interests in Rural Zimbabwe 42nd Southern African Society for Education International Conference, Protea Hotel Zebula Lodge Bela-Bela Limpopo Province, South Africa from 07-09 October 2015
Lepholletse, AMM & Van Wyk, MM. The efficacy of implementing character education programmes that can sustain learners’ behaviour in secondary schools 42nd Southern African Society for Education International Conference, Protea Hotel Zebula Lodge Bela-Bela Limpopo Province, South Africa from 07-09 October 2015
Amponsah S & Van Wyk, MM. Exploring English First Additional Language Teachers’ use of the Student Teams Achievement Divisions in Teaching the Subject in Kwazulu-Natal Secondary Schools, 42nd Southern African Society for Education International Conference, Protea Hotel Zebula Lodge (Bela-Bela Limpopo Province, South Africa from 07-09 October 2015
Van Wyk, MM. Student Teachers’ Views Regarding The Use of Reflective Journals as An E-Portfolio Alternative Assessment Strategy: An Interpretive Bricolage Phenomenological Analysis 42nd Southern African Society For Education International Conference, Protea Hotel Zebula Lodge (Bela-Bela Limpopo Province, South Africa from 07-09 October 2015
Van Wyk, MM Student teachers’ views regarding the use of an ePortfolio as an alternative method of assessment: an interpretive bricolage phenomenological analysis Conference Theme: Emerging Technologies and Authentic Learning in Higher Vocational Education Conference. Poster presentation. Date of conference, 31 August 2015 - 3 September 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Van Wyk, MM. Eportfolios As an Alternative Assessment Tool Toward Empowering Economics Student Teachers. ECTTC2015-European Conference on Technology in the classroom. Thistle Brighton, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 1 - Sunday 5, 2015
Van Wyk, MM. African Rural Women Participation in Stokvels as Community-Based Savings Schemes. Oral presentation at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International
Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, 26 to 30 May 2015. Harvard Medical School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Van Wyk, MM 2014 Constructing an Eight-way Framework Strategy to enhancing Afrocentricindigenous pedagogy for an inclusive classroom. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Van Wyk, MM Exploring student’s perceptions of blogs as an e-supportive tool during teaching placements International Educational Technology Conference, September 3-5, 2014 Chicago, USA
Van Wyk, MM. Social mediated tools in support of Economics education students’ engagement during a teaching practice course. Reading a paper at the 2nd International Conference on Teaching Practice in Education. Theme: Teaching Practice in the 21stCentury: emerging trends, challenges and opportunities. 26-28 August 2014, Birchwood and OR Tambo conference and hotel, Boksburg
Van Wyk, MM. Expanding Horizons: toward an Afrocentric-indigenous pedagogy for an inclusive learning space. Reading paper at SAERA 2014 Conference: 13-15 August,2014 Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani Hotel, Durban.
Van Wyk, MM Factors emerged as drivers for online learning: Is there a new pedagogy emerging for the 21st century classroom and beyond? International conference on Education, May 23-24, 2014 Chicago, USA
Van Wyk, MM. Teaching Economic concepts with blogs. Theme: Continuity, Change and Sustainability in open, distance and eLearning. The Unisa Cambridge International Conference on Open, Distance and eLearning, 29 September – 2 October 2013.
Van Wyk, MM. Rethinking the value of the Jigsaw cooperative learning method on economics teachers’ acquisition of knowledge. Theme of conference: Education in Namibia: Trends and Practices. Read paper at the UNAM 2dn Annual Education conference. Safari Hotel: Windhoek, Namibia (9-12 September 2013)
Van Wyk, MM. Measuring the effectiveness of student team’s achievement divisions on grade 10 learners’ economic knowledge. Theme of conference: Education in Namibia: Trends and Practices. Read paper at the UNAM 2dn Annual Education conference. Safari Hotel: Windhoek, Namibia (9-12 September 2013)
Van Wyk MM The Use of Economics Games as a Participative Teaching Strategy to Enhance Student Learning: a social interdependence construct. Read paper at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines.Ryerson University’s International Learning Center: Toronto, Canada (May 20-23, 2013).
Taole MJ & Van Wyk MM Exploring the educational potential of blogagogy in an open distance learning course. Van Wyk, MMM reading paper at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines. Ryerson University’s International Learning Center: Toronto, Canada (May 20-23, 2013).
Van Wyk MM. Narrating life stories of ex-prisoners of becoming social entrepreneurs in rural communities. Paper read at 4thInternational conference on Research and Development. Theme: People-focused Development and Sustainable Growth: Africa in view. 18-20th March, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa
Van Wyk MM. Exploring with blogs to enhance communities of reflective practice during teaching practice in open distance learning ecologies. Reading paper at the 1st International Conference on Open Distance Learning, 5th – 7th September 2012, Unisa campus, Pretoria.
Van Wyk, MM. Exploring with blogs in an ODL teaching practice education: A phenomenographic approach. Reading a paper at the 1stInternational conference on Teaching Practice (ICTPED), 6-8 August 2012, St George Hotel, Pretoria
Van Wyk MM. Cooperative learning and Contemporary Economics Issues: A comparative study of Student Teams Achievement Divisions and Direct instruction teaching strategies in Free State secondary schools. Reading a paper at the Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), 18th-21st of June 2012 in Ontario, Canada
Alexander G & Van Wyk MM. Learner perceptions regarding Cooperative learning as a teaching strategy in Integrated school settings of the Northern Cape province. Paper read by Van Wyk MM at The Twelfth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada: 11-13 June 2012
Van Wyk MM. We can make a difference! Empowering Student Teachers to Teach Culturally Diverse learners in Economics education. Reading a paper the Twelfth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada:1113June2012
Alexander G, Ramohai J & van Staden A. Why did it happen to us? Confronting the Individualization of Racism in a High White Afrikaans Institution of Higher Learning. Reading the paper by van Wyk MM at the Twelfth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada: 11-13 June 2012
Van Wyk MM. “Do We Need to Develop Critical Communities In Teacher Education As Stimulating Forces For Collective Learning? An Auto-Ethnographic Perspective” Dr G Alexander read the paper at the Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research Middle East Technical University North Cyprus Campus, 08-10 February 2012
Hongwane, VA & Van Wyk MM. “Do teachers have the ability to engender democratic classrooms?: An Afrocentric-Ubuntu perspective” Dr G Alexander read the paper at the Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research Middle East Technical University North Cyprus Campus, 08-10 February 2012
Alexander G & Van Wyk MM. Exploring the value of cooperative learning in enhancing teaching in integrated school environments of the Northern Cape province” Dr G Alexander read the paper at the Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research Middle East Technical University North Cyprus Campus, 08-10 February 2012
Van Wyk MM. Money makes the world go round-Teaching economics concepts via edutainment efforts: A factor analysis”. Dr G Alexander read the paper at the ACTC2012: The Second Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom. April 26-28, 2012, Osaka, Japan
Van Wyk MM. Let's do the “riel”! [Re]Claiming cultural heritage: An Afrocentric-Indigenous perspective. Conference Theme: Africa 2011. Paper presented at The 34th Annual conference organized by The African Studies of Association of Australasia and the Pacific (ASAAP), Flinders University, City Campus, Adelaide, Australia: 29 November-2 December 2011 Van Wyk MM. Exploring Student Teachers’ Personal Stories in Relation to Identity, Social Class and Learning: A Life History Approach. The Eleventh International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa: 20-22 June 2011
Van Wyk MM. Exploring Student Teachers’ Attitudes to Economics Education: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011), November 14 – 16, 2011 in Penang, Malaysia.
Milondzo KS & Van Wyk, MM. Exploring the Impact of In-Class Simulated Games on Student Learning in Economics Education at the 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011) to be held in November 14 – 16, 2011 in Penang, Malaysia.
Moreeng B; Van Wyk MM; Alexander G & Milondzo KS. 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2011),November 14 – 16, 2011 in Penang, Malaysia.
Van Wyk MM. The Effects of Teams-Games-Tournaments On Achievement, Retention, And Attitudes Of Economics Education Students” Paper presented at the 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference held at the Hilton hotel in Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2010.
Alexander G, van Wyk MM & November, IP. Enhancing Cultural Diversity in Integrated School Settings of The Northern Cape Province: Cooperative Learning as Teaching Tool. Paper presented by MM van Wyk at the 2010 European College Teaching & Learning Conference held at the Hilton hotel in Dublin, Ireland, June 7-10, 2010.
Alexander.G, van Wyk. MM, Japtha, PD, Le Roux, N & Teis, N Paper presented by G Alexander. The UFS community intervention on Grade 12 Science, Mathematics, and Accounting: A University Community Service-Learning Initiative. Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning. University of Kuching, Malaysia:16-18 November 2009.
Alexander.G, van Wyk. MM, & November,IPPaper presented by G Alexander. The Legitimation of Recognition of Prior Learning as Redress Mechanism for work in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Narrative of a Black Master Builder. Paper presented at the 2ndInternational Conference on Teaching and Learning. University of Kuching, Malaysia:16-18 November 2009.
Daries,G, Alexander,G, Hlalele. D, Van Wyk, MM. The Perceptions of Primary School Educators Regarding Inclusive Education in the Free State Province of South Africa. 16th International Conference on Learning. University of Barcelona, Spain:1-4 July.
Alexander.G, van Wyk. MM, Bereng,T & November,IP Legitimation of Recognition of Prior Learning as Redress Mechanism for work in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Narrative of a Black Master Builder. 16th International Conference on Learning. University of Barcelona, Spain: 1-4 July.
Van Wyk, MM & Alexander, G. Legitimation of Recognition of Prior Learning as Redress Mechanism for work in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Narrative of a Black Master Builder. 2009 Oklahoma Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference. 1-3 April, Broken Arrow,Tulsa, OK, USA
Van Wyk, MM. Do Student Teams Achievement Divisions enhance economic literacy? An experimental design. 2009 Oklahoma Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference. 1-3 April, Broken Arrow,Tulsa, OK, USA
Van Wyk, MM. Students’ reflections regarding the use of cartoons as a teaching technique in the Economics classroom Education Association of South Africa EASA Annual Conference EASA International conference, Illovo Beach, Durban, So
Chartered Quality Professional/ Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Quality Institute (UK)
An experienced educator equipped with excellent teaching, research, administrative and educational leadership skills. Overall work experience in Higher Education (HE) of more than three decades (Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, UAE,
Chartered Quality Professional/ Chartered Fellow of The Chartered Quality Institute (UK)
An experienced educator equipped with excellent teaching, research, administrative and educational leadership skills. Overall work experience in Higher Education (HE) of more than three decades (Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, and UK) 19 years of it in highly competitive and multicultural UAE.
These enable me to have extensive knowledge in HE sectors and a proven record of success in getting initiatives off the ground and flourishing as proven by the international awards bestowed upon me. I have worked for the construction industry for fourteen years before joining academia. I have had the opportunity of being a key person in creating a university from concept to reality which requires vision, passion, and courage to attempt to innovate and to deliberately create a new and improved learning culture. The aforementioned positions have enabled me to develop a high level of skills and experience in the following areas:
11. Director (founder), Planning, Evaluation & Quality Administration, and the
Office for Academic Accreditation Affairs, ITTIHAD UNIVERSITY, UAE, October 2001- July 2008 (in addition to my main job as Dean).
Many publications including books and research papers
Professor Dilshad has over 20 years of experience in the Higher Education sector gained from multiple roles – ranging from teaching in the classroom to senior management positions. She currently holds dual strategic leadership positions as Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Dean of the Faculty of Business at Arden University.
Professor Dilshad has over 20 years of experience in the Higher Education sector gained from multiple roles – ranging from teaching in the classroom to senior management positions. She currently holds dual strategic leadership positions as Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) and Dean of the Faculty of Business at Arden University.
Born in Nairobi, Kenya, and the youngest of seven children, she enjoyed a successful career in different industries before moving into academia. Realising this was where she could enact genuine change. Therefore, she moved across due to her desire to help students from widening participation backgrounds achieve their goals and support their communities.
Dilshad is an inspirational higher-education woman who has dedicated her life to pursuing knowledge and advancing learning. With a profound commitment to the transformative power of education, she has blazed a trail as an exemplary educator, mentor, and visionary leader.
She was featured in the publication “We Are The City” and named as an inspirational woman, has made an appearance on BBC Radio 4 discussing digital technology in Higher Education and has also been a finalist for two consecutive years in the grand prix category of the Education Investor Awards shortlisted as Business Woman of the year (2022) and Business Woman to Watch (2021). Similarly, She was named in the Business Women in Education’s inaugural Women to Watch list in 2022.
She won the most prestigious Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Volunteer of the Year Award 2022; she has been the former regional chair for the West Midlands and Northwest regions. She is an inspirational speaker and keenly interested in the Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) of organisations. Her tireless efforts have not only enriched the academic landscape but have also championed EDI in higher education.
She has delivered several local and national keynote presentations and published several articles advocating the benefits of diverse and inclusive management and leadership teams. I continue to engage with audiences across a variety of sectors with the ambition to encourage and inspire more females, especially from ethnic minority backgrounds, to attain senior leadership roles.
Through her unwavering passion for teaching and her groundbreaking contributions to pedagogy, [Her Full Name] has inspired countless students and colleagues to reach new heights, challenging the status quo and leaving an indelible mark on higher education. Her story is a testament to the incredible impact one can have when driven by a deep love for learning and a dedication to fostering the potential within others.
Dr Anna Rostomyan is a Professor, EQ Coach, Researcher, international Author, formerly a PhD Mentor at Swiss School of Business Research (SSBR), currently working as a Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI). She defended her PhD with excellence in collaboration with the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), having bee
Dr Anna Rostomyan is a Professor, EQ Coach, Researcher, international Author, formerly a PhD Mentor at Swiss School of Business Research (SSBR), currently working as a Lecturer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI). She defended her PhD with excellence in collaboration with the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), having been awarded an ASCN PhD research grant, and Yerevan State University (Armenia – her alma Mater). She has also formerly worked as an Assistant Professor of English at Yerevan State University (Armenia). Dr. Anna Maria is also an Editorial Board Member at the “Academic Star Publishing Company” (USA), as well as a Reviewer at “Sage” publications. She is the author of 5 books and 30 publications published worldwide with readers of around 100 nationalities according to the statistics of Academia.edu. Her main academic interests lie in the fields of Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Emotions, Emotion Management, Emotional Intelligence, Management, Human Resources Management, Human Psychology, Neuroleadership, etc. As for the business sector, Dr. Anna has also worked as the HR manager at “Porsche Center Yerevan”, which endows her with the capacity to combine both theoretical empiric and practical skills.
With over 25 years of dedicated involvement in Higher Education (HE), June has amassed invaluable experience, having occupied senior management positions in five distinct HE institutions, ranging from esteemed public universities to private HE colleges. Holding the respected title of Chartered Marketer and having previously served as the
With over 25 years of dedicated involvement in Higher Education (HE), June has amassed invaluable experience, having occupied senior management positions in five distinct HE institutions, ranging from esteemed public universities to private HE colleges. Holding the respected title of Chartered Marketer and having previously served as the Chair of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), June's credentials highlight her proficiency and expertise in the field. Her global influence extends across various domains within HE, where she collaborates with institutions worldwide. June's expertise spans collaborative academic partnerships, an area she extensively researched for her doctoral thesis, university centres, curriculum design and development, and student experience enhancement initiatives.
Her significant contributions to the HE landscape are further evidenced by her roles as a board member of the University Centre Leeds and an external member of the NCUK Academic Quality Board, where her insights help shape the academic direction of these esteemed institutions. Beyond her commitments to HE, June also serves as a director at Mountain Top Perspectives. In this capacity, she provides invaluable guidance to business start-ups, leveraging her wealth of experience to support the development and growth of emerging ventures. Additionally, June works closely with the leadership teams of multi-national organisations, offering her expertise in coaching and mentoring to foster leadership excellence and organisational success.
Tayyaba is a lecturer at Oxford Business College. She covers various courses, including Marketing, Business Studies, Introduction to Business Finance and Inquiry-based learning.
Tayyaba is pursuing her PhD in Consumer Behaviour. Before that, she obtained her Master in Marketing (MSc) from Hertfordshire University in 2017. In addition, she
Tayyaba is a lecturer at Oxford Business College. She covers various courses, including Marketing, Business Studies, Introduction to Business Finance and Inquiry-based learning.
Tayyaba is pursuing her PhD in Consumer Behaviour. Before that, she obtained her Master in Marketing (MSc) from Hertfordshire University in 2017. In addition, she has an Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (EDSML). She is a highly competent, efficient, motivated and enthusiastic person. She has more than ten years of experience in the UK retail industry, UK higher education and Student Recruitment Sector. Tayyaba has been working for Amazon in a managerial position since 2015. However, she left the job in 2020 to see her career in academia. Therefore, she also started her doctorate in March 2020. She has also received a Graduate Marketing Award from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).
In 2020-21, she published a few papers and received Distinguished Scholar Award from the European Journal of Scientific Research. She also participated in the International Conference on "Challenges and Prospects of Business Education in a Post Covid-19 World" in 2021.
Tayyaba considers teaching a noble profession and tries her level best to make learning easy and exciting for her students. She strongly believes in student satisfaction and endeavours to meet the diverse range of student's academic needs.
She received a paper published on 'Mature Undergraduate Student Satisfaction with Online Teaching during COVID-19 (2020). Tayyaba loves to unwind by indulging in travelling, gardening, cooking, interior and fashion designing and reading.
Bernard has expertise across several key business topics, including the management of business operations, the use of research methods in business, entrepreneurship, managing human resources and developments in modern business. His current area of research is looking at wealth creation through business and entrepreneurship across cultures
Bernard has expertise across several key business topics, including the management of business operations, the use of research methods in business, entrepreneurship, managing human resources and developments in modern business. His current area of research is looking at wealth creation through business and entrepreneurship across cultures. He is particularly interested in how agents and agencies in different countries promote these areas. Currently, he is working as a full-time lecturer at the University of Sunderland London Campus. He also delivers lectures and seminars at different HEIs in the UK. Say something interesting about your business here.
Dr Hedda Martina Šola is the Croatian Women of Influence Award Winner 2019. She drew on her rich twenty-year professional experience in marketing at strategic positions within different companies as a Board Member for Marketing. In addition, she was Vice-Dean for business cooperation and international relations at the University College o
Dr Hedda Martina Šola is the Croatian Women of Influence Award Winner 2019. She drew on her rich twenty-year professional experience in marketing at strategic positions within different companies as a Board Member for Marketing. In addition, she was Vice-Dean for business cooperation and international relations at the University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management. She is also working as a research coordinator at Oxford Business College and actively involved in research activities.
Her passion for marketing and science has led her to a doctorate in Economic Science with a specialisation in neuromarketing. She is also a permanent expert witness for marketing and intellectual property rights cases at the County Court in Zagreb and a much-quoted interlocutor in the media. Currently, she is the Director of the “Institute for Neuromarketing” in Croatia.
She has advised more than 100 companies on how to develop their brands, strengthen their market position in terms of strategy, and reposition themselves in the market. She has also published more than 30 scientific and professional papers on marketing and neuromarketing, peer-reviewed at both national and international levels. In addition, she is the author of the first book on neuromarketing published in Croatia under the title “Marketinška oružarnica“.
Dr Hristo Georgiev Sirashkiv is an Associate Professor in Social Management at D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria. In addition, he holds the prestigious position of Head of the Center for Postgraduate and Optional Education, which was built as a profiled unit at the "D. Tsenov" Academy of Economics and is responsible for training
Dr Hristo Georgiev Sirashkiv is an Associate Professor in Social Management at D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria. In addition, he holds the prestigious position of Head of the Center for Postgraduate and Optional Education, which was built as a profiled unit at the "D. Tsenov" Academy of Economics and is responsible for training in elite professions related to the economy.
He holds a Master's degree from the "D. Tsenov" Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria. in Finance and Credit. In addition, he holds a doctorate in Social Management from the same institute. He has participated in numerous scientific projects and has international experience as an exchange teacher under the Erasmus program in many European countries.
He is the author of several publications, including research papers and course books such as Company Management, Behavior in Management, Quality Management, Management of Nature Use and Nature Conservation and Strategic Management. He published several research papers in leading Bulgarian Journals. He secured energy research funding from the German Federal Foundation for Ecology in 2016. He also completed the projects of European Educational Alliance Ltd. Samokov, Center for Professional Training, Program for the development of rural regions in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2007-2013, Measure 111 "Professional Training, Information Activities and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge".
Aljoša Šestanović is a Research Associate at Oxford Business College.
Aljoša has gained most of his professional business experience in the financial services industry, including corporate banking and management consultancy. For the past eight years, holding the rank of Associate Professor, he has been teaching at a higher education insti
Aljoša Šestanović is a Research Associate at Oxford Business College.
Aljoša has gained most of his professional business experience in the financial services industry, including corporate banking and management consultancy. For the past eight years, holding the rank of Associate Professor, he has been teaching at a higher education institution. He specialises in finance and accounting courses such as Corporate Finance, Financial Statements Analysis, Company Appraisal, Cost-benefit Analysis, Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.
He is a CFA Charterholder and a Regular Member of the CFA Institute. Dr Aljoša is also a Licensed Investment Advisor. He possesses a Broker Licence granted by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency. In 2014 he was appointed a Court Expert Witness on finance and accounting matters. He regularly holds workshops on financial analysis, company valuations, and cost-benefit analysis. He also served as the editor of the Croatian translation of the textbook ‘Fundamentals of Financial Management by Van-Horne and Wachowicz.
A classical guitarist, when not pursuing his academic and professional interests, Aljoša derives his solace from music.
Katarina Sokić has gained most of her professional business experience as a lawyer and professor. For the past nine years, she has taught at a higher education institution and conducted courses in the field of Human Resource Management, Business Ethics in Management, Methodology for Scientific Research, Psychology of Creativity, Managemen
Katarina Sokić has gained most of her professional business experience as a lawyer and professor. For the past nine years, she has taught at a higher education institution and conducted courses in the field of Human Resource Management, Business Ethics in Management, Methodology for Scientific Research, Psychology of Creativity, Management of Capital Firms, Psychology of Personality and Organisation, Company Law and Labour Law.
She is also well versed in business organisation management's legal and psychological framework.
She independently conducts scientific research and is well acquainted with quantitative and qualitative data processing methods. She has also completed her bar and notary exams.
Katarina has served as a team leader on multiple projects.
A good Samaritan, Katarina volunteers at an association that cares for people with mental disabilities. She also likes to spend her spare time relaxing in the lap of nature.
Dr Ljiljana is a research associate at Oxford Business College. She obtained her PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies, Faculty of Economics, University of J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, with research in Franchising and a doctoral thesis on the franchise potential of small enter
Dr Ljiljana is a research associate at Oxford Business College. She obtained her PhD in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies, Faculty of Economics, University of J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, with research in Franchising and a doctoral thesis on the franchise potential of small enterprises.
She has extensive experience teaching various entrepreneurial courses at different universities. Furthermore, she has vast expertise in developing new curriculums, academic programs and lifelong learning courses for various universities and business school.
Although a significant part of her teaching experience remains related to Franchising, her scientific curiosity directs her toward other fields of interest as well. She has researched and taught classes on the Philosophy of Entrepreneurship, Knowledge-Economy and Dynamic Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Organisational Culture, Management of Quality, Intellectual Capital, Internationalisation of the Business, Creativity, Event Management, Development of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Woman in Business and Development of the Soft Entrepreneurial Skills among others.
Being an entrepreneur herself, with her own consulting company in Croatia creating franchise business models and dealing with entrepreneurial counselling, she can also share her first-hand experience.
She focuses on developing and strengthening relationships with entrepreneurs and institutions through her work. She also channelises her experiences in creating programs for franchise development. For example, one of her projects as the President of the Croatian franchise association is an incubator for self-employment. The project is in collaboration with the Croatian employment agency, in whose grant scheme she also managed to get Franchising included.
She has also made academic contributions with a wide range of publications.
A dog lover, in her spare time Dr Ljiljana loves reading & Nordic walking.
Dr Kristyan Stoyanov Hadjiev is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. He holds a PhD in Business Administration - "Mapping of High-Efficiency Organizations".)
He is the author of four books in the field of Human Resource Management, and in addition, he is a co-auth
Dr Kristyan Stoyanov Hadjiev is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. He holds a PhD in Business Administration - "Mapping of High-Efficiency Organizations".)
He is the author of four books in the field of Human Resource Management, and in addition, he is a co-author of six books in the field of Strategic Management and published twenty-six research papers in leading Bulgarian Journals. In addition, he has a wealth of higher education experience and established an independent Tourism College in Velingrad, Bulgaria, in 1996. Since then, he has been involved in many educational-related projects, to include a few such as actively participating in seminars in Bratislava, Slovakia (January-April 1998); Project Coordinator – Bulgaria-Netherland Education Project aimed at developing academic curricula in “Human Resources Management” and “Foundations of Management” (Bulgarian Ministry of Education, 1999); Project Coordinator - Phare - “Strategic Restructuring and Financial Advisory Services”, project number BG 9812-02-01-01 (1999-2002).
Dr Islam is a consummate education professional with a combined 30 years of experience from award-winning research and development, through to postgraduate programme directorship. He is proficient at organising, delivering, and managing all levels of academic programmes, adding further value with industrial experience. Dr Islam seeks to e
Dr Islam is a consummate education professional with a combined 30 years of experience from award-winning research and development, through to postgraduate programme directorship. He is proficient at organising, delivering, and managing all levels of academic programmes, adding further value with industrial experience. Dr Islam seeks to enable an ambitious institution aiming for the next level in offering excellence to their students. PhD in Chemical Technology Imperial College, University of London, UK ● Thesis on Catalytic Conversion of Coal extract. ● Recipient Townend Prize for Outstanding Research in Coal Science. MSc in Petrochemicals University of Manchester, UK BSc (Hons) in Chemistry University of Manchester, UK He held several positions, for example MBA Programme Director and Chairman of the Exam Board, University of Wales ● Created and delivered a validated MBA programme (by the University of Wales) for the London School of Accountancy and Management (London SAM) - 700 students graduated over 3 years ● Chaired MBA Exam Boards for each academic term, leading a team of 12-15 internal examiners and 3 external examiners ● Chaired MBA Appeal Boards to manage and resolve cases relating to extenuating circumstances and plagiarism. Academic Staff and Postdoctoral Researcher Imperial College London ● Carried out research and development in chemical engineering and technology (high temperature pyrolysis) Higher Education Consultant Alpha-i Education Services (UK) Ltd ● University Grants Commission (Bangladesh), World Bank-funded HEQEP (Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project), currently International Peer Reviewer ● Delivered biannual keynotes and academic training (quality assurance, pedagogy strategy) to various prestigious HE institutions including Bangladesh Postgraduate Medical School, BRAC University, and University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). Director Fame Design, Bangladesh Quality Assurance Engineer Ministry of Defence, UK Director Bengal Development Corporation, Bangladesh Bid Co-ordinator and Technical Support Consortium of GEC and Marubeni, UK. Academic Awards Townend Prize for Outstanding Research in Coal Science Chemical Society, Imperial College London Science and Engineering Scholarship to read PhD SERC UK Science and Engineering Scholarship to study Masters’ programme SERC UK
Dr Susan is a senior business and management lecturer and Research Associate at Oxford Business College. She teaches People Management, Career Management, Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage, Foundation of Business, and International Business Studies.
She has more than ten years of experience teaching business and management. She h
Dr Susan is a senior business and management lecturer and Research Associate at Oxford Business College. She teaches People Management, Career Management, Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage, Foundation of Business, and International Business Studies.
She has more than ten years of experience teaching business and management. She holds a Doctorate from Oxford Brookes University and a Masters's degree in international investment & finance from London South Bank University. Before that, she studied banking & finance at the University of Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.
Susan has written a research paper on the 'Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Utilisation of Natural Resources in Nigeria'. She has also peer-reviewed the International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Previously, she held managerial positions within the health industry in a range of NHS Foundation Trusts, the recent being a Network Service Manager for the Cleft Department across Oxford and Salisbury. Besides Oxford Business College, Susan teaches at Oxford Brookes University also.
She loves to read and does voluntary work with various organisations. Currently, she is an executive member of the 'Girls' Brigade' in Nigeria, an international and interdenominational Christian youth organisation.
Husam is a consultant with expertise in Blockchain and its application in business. Husam has a PhD from Queen Mary University in London in Satellite Communications and an MA from York St John university in Managing and Leading Innovation and Change. Husam worked in academia, where he taught business innovation and project management in a
Husam is a consultant with expertise in Blockchain and its application in business. Husam has a PhD from Queen Mary University in London in Satellite Communications and an MA from York St John university in Managing and Leading Innovation and Change. Husam worked in academia, where he taught business innovation and project management in a number of universities. Husam has also worked as a senior technical consultant and project manager in several companies and published several papers on Innovation and ATM over satellites. Husam's other interest is the use of ICT for development in Africa.
Syed is a NetZero entrepreneur. His company Torque Energy Consultants help clients in industry and other built environments devise NetZero emissions strategy. Syed’s doctoral research at Cranfield explores how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage social media to accrue social capital. Syed’s doctoral research explores the accrual proces
Syed is a NetZero entrepreneur. His company Torque Energy Consultants help clients in industry and other built environments devise NetZero emissions strategy. Syed’s doctoral research at Cranfield explores how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage social media to accrue social capital. Syed’s doctoral research explores the accrual process of entrepreneurs’ social capital through their use of social media. His research focuses on explaining the interplaying role of antecedents such as privacy concerns and the context of audiences to predict the networking behaviour of entrepreneurs that may help them nurture bridging and bonding social capital. Syed is a NetZero enthusiast; his consultancy, teaching and research interests focus on how companies can strategize to reach NetZero emissions before 2050. He is working with clients to measure their current emissions and strategies to reach NetZero emissions. He has worked on multiple NetZero and energy efficiency projects helping the key UK industries, including automobile, pharmaceutical, energy, and public.
Syed’s recent research at Bettany Centre of Entrepreneurship explores the micro-foundations for pro-NetZero actions among SMEs in the UK. As part of this project, he is studying the cognitions of entrepreneurs to transcend NetZero plans into pro-NetZero actions among SMEs.
Shahid Mahmood is an IT professional, an academic, an entrepreneur, and a research scholar. His areas of research interests mainly revolve around cyber security, with a particular focus on automotive and mobile security testing.
Shahid received his master’s degree in Software Development (with distinction) from Coventry University, the UK
Shahid Mahmood is an IT professional, an academic, an entrepreneur, and a research scholar. His areas of research interests mainly revolve around cyber security, with a particular focus on automotive and mobile security testing.
Shahid received his master’s degree in Software Development (with distinction) from Coventry University, the UK in 2014. Following this, he worked as a software and web developer for more than a year. From 2016 to 2018, he served as a lecturer in computing at Riphah International University, Pakistan, before joining the Institute for Future Transport and Cities at Coventry University in 2018, where he earned a PhD degree.
Dr Ruqaiya Javed is a Research Associate at Oxford Business College, and she is also a Psychologist. In addition to that, she is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). She specialises in Business Management. Ruqaiya holds a PhD. and an M.A. She has an experience 7 years of in psychologica
Dr Ruqaiya Javed is a Research Associate at Oxford Business College, and she is also a Psychologist. In addition to that, she is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). She specialises in Business Management. Ruqaiya holds a PhD. and an M.A. She has an experience 7 years of in psychological research. She also gained a one-year teaching experience as a visiting faculty in a private HEI (B.A. Hons-Psychology).
Dr Ruqaiya is currently working on assessing social media's persuasive power in mature students' behaviour through ANN (Artificial Neural Network). She has formerly worked on mature students' intrinsic motivation and learning engagement in HEIs across the south of England.
To her credit, she has more than half a dozen published papers in various journals. Ruqaiya is knowledgeable and well-versed with various research methodologies in Data Science, such as quantitative data analysis, and has hands-on experience using Statistical Package for Social Science Research (SPSS), R, and AMOS. Ruqaiya has also gained expertise in data processing, qualitative analysis, decision tree algorithm, psychological surveys, and assessment, developing and standardising psychological scales/measures.
Waqas is a young data scientist with a PhD and master's in Machine learning and Data Science from the UK. He worked for several companies, including as a Machine Learning Researcher at Roxbury Asset Management, Quantitative Analyst at Y Tree, and lecturer at Bedordian Business School.
He is also a Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Learning Systems and Neural Networks.
Dr Ivanov obtained two Master's degrees – one in Banking accountancy and the second an MBA, from Dimitar A.Tsenov Academy of Economics Bulgaria. His PhD is also from the same institute.
His career incorporates various managerial positions within the financial and public sectors besides having Qualify Teacher of Economics status and being a
Dr Ivanov obtained two Master's degrees – one in Banking accountancy and the second an MBA, from Dimitar A.Tsenov Academy of Economics Bulgaria. His PhD is also from the same institute.
His career incorporates various managerial positions within the financial and public sectors besides having Qualify Teacher of Economics status and being a research associate at Oxford Business College in the UK. Vensislav was also an assistant at the Technical University of Sofia for more than a year. With over eight years of lecturing experience in Business and Management and Economics for financial analysis and accounting management, he currently lectures in Business and Management at Oxford Business College. In addition, he has published several papers and written two chapters in a book on higher education.
A member of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians – Student), he is also a member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
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